Passionate about helping people recognise their own and others' barriers and knowing what to do about them.
So you want to be a mentor and make the difference to children's lives?
You are good with children and want to make the difference in their lives. Maybe you have experience of a child who struggles with their emotions or social skills. Maybe you are thinking about a new career or developing your skills.
So, here's how you become a mentor to work (or volunteer) with children and young people, gain a nationally recognised qualification and how you use this to get a job.
Decide which age range you feel most comfortable with, we refer to under 12s as Children and 11-18s as Young People and 16-24 as Young Adults. Think about any experiences you may have had to help you with this.
Make sure you are mentally ready to be able to help guide and mentor children with their problems. You will not be able to solve every problem for a child and mentoring takes a lot of practice in teaching them the skills to help them solve their own problems. These skills are taught on the National Mentor Qualification courses.
There are three Mentor Qualifications:
Children's Mentor Qualfication for those wanting to help under 11s with social, emotional and mental health problems;
Young Person's Mentor Qualification for those wanting to help address social, emotional and mental health problems in school or colleges with 11-20 year olds;
International Mentoring Qualification, for those wanting to help inspire and motivate teenagers or adults.
The courses are three days long with 17 modules, followed by an assignment to gain the award.
This qualification can be used as prior learning for some courses at Edge Hill University.
The courses are suitable for those who already work in roles or those seeking employment.
Decide if you'd like to find a role first or undertake the training.
Training can be undertaken by Distance Learning by going to The Mentoring School.
Or by attending a course:
If you want training on being a Mentor somewhere other than in a school, send an email to to find out if we are running any other courses that would be suitable.
Attend the three days training (or complete the course online).
Complete the follow up assignment and submit it for marking.
We will mark your assignment and send you your certificate.
Your CV will have a great qualification to help your current role or to apply for jobs in schools or other settings that make the difference to children and young people.