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Examples of our work

Whilst you may not have heard of us, it is likely that if you are in the UK or even further afield, you will have come across our work. Since being founded in 2013 we have influenced the lives of over 10 million people and counting...

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Curriculum Resources

The Root Of It were one of only 23 organisations to act as Subject Matter Experts in the development of resources for teachers on delivering the new curriculum in England. This included modules on the Changing Adolescent Body; Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco; Online Relationships; Caring Friendships and in addition Richard Daniel Curtis was one of only 3 experts to contribute to the Mental Wellbeing content.


Mentoring and Coaching in the Pandemic

Working with the Council's HR department and accessing European Social Funding, The Root Of It delivered short (equivalent of half day) courses on topics relating to leadership, mental health and staff support during the pandemic, in addition to mentoring and coaching content, building up to level 3 qualifications in mentoring and coaching. Feedback from the participants was 98% positive.


Preschool Mentoring

Utilising European Social Funding we worked with over 20 nurseries and preschools in the county of Berkshire to train qualified Preschool Mentors. This Level 3 qualification from Open Awards trains staff how to recognise, assess and address the early social and emotional difficulties that can develop into more complex mental health problems. Training was suplemented with short courses on personal resilience and mental health during the pandemic, including a specific course on how children may be affected.


Apprentice Mentoring

The Root Of It worked with the Head of Early Careers to roll out mentor training to the apprenticeship team across the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The entire team, across all sites accessed a blended online and in-person curriculum that covered topics like emotional intellidence, mental health, diversity, individual and group mentoring. Some of the staff completed the Level 3 Certificate in Mentoring Apprenice and some went on to study the Level 4 Advanced Mentoring Apprentices.

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