Passionate about helping people recognise their own and others' barriers and knowing what to do about them.

Learning mentors were a scheme developed in the late 1990s/early 2000s by a number of government bodies. The basic course consisted of just two days training. Their training has not been available for some time and good practice at working with children has changed a number of times since then. To help fill this void we wanted to create an up to date,relevant extensive course that equips your staff for coming back to your school and delivering individual and group interventions based on sound theory and good practice.
As this is a new course reflecting current practice we regret we are unable to accept any prior learning to reduce the course length.
Interested in courses, but not just yet, sign up to receive information on future courses:
Schools/colleges - If you would like us to deliver a course at your setting for over 10 delegates with you providing lunch, then the cost for the three day course is reduced to £550 per person, including reasonable travel. Please email
Primary school? Click here for details:
Local authority or large organisation?
Enter your details here.
National Young Person's Mentor Qualifcation
getting to the root of student’s social, emotional and mental health difficulties, helping them to engage in learning in secondary schools and higher education.
The Root Of It is proud to deliver the National Young Person's Mentor Qualification, getting to the root of children’s difficulties, helping children overcome barriers to learning, specifically designed for secondary schools and further education settings like yours.
Your specialist three day course covers up to date good practice skills in working with vulnerable individuals or groups of children, covering the latest requirements for SEND and also the practical skills to support social, emotional and mental well-being in your school. It leads to a Level 3 Certificate in Mentoring Children and Young People from Open Awards:
About you
What is a Young Person’s Mentor
Barriers to learning and overcoming them
Learning styles
Managing emotions
Preparation for the next stages of life
Supporting Special Needs
Planning an individual intervention
Planning a group intervention
Involving parents and carers
Involving children and young people
Involving other staff
Supporting Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Setting up a referral system
Monitoring outcomes of intervention
Bringing it all together
Reflecting on our journey and assignment
The courses complement the work of Nurture Groups, ELSA and Mental Health First Aiders by giving staff the tools to be able to work with more students across the school or college, leaving those at the high end to receive the more intensive support.
We are so proud of this course, that we have worked with a university to get the assignment recognised for prior learning.
In addition participants get:
Online support;
Access to downloadable and photocopiable resources;
Email support.
Your investment in your students £700 (+VAT) for 3 days training.
Available by Distance Learning, just click the link below!
We can deliver this to a group of your staff or a group from local schools or FE settings at a discounted price of £550 + VAT pp - minimum course number 10.